Total Deliverance

by Mary Jackson on March 15, 2012
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Daniel 6:23 tells us, “No hurt of any kind was found on him (Daniel) because he believed in His God.”

Staff prayer at BCOC is a time for pastors and staff to come together in the presence of our Lord, seeking His face, listening for His voice and praying according to the scriptures over our congregation. We cover whatever need we know about and pray in the spirit (Romans 8:26-27) for whatever needs we don’t know about. It’s a wonderful time of unity, purpose and praise. We always begin with thanksgiving for all our blessings and the upcoming events.

Recently, as we were praying over our nation and for earthly kings to bow their knees to righteousness, I remembered the painting of Daniel in the lion’s den. It was a remarkable sight of Daniel surrounded by bones of human remains and bloodthirsty hungry lions held at bay by the Spirit of Almighty God. The composition immediately grabbed my attention. The artist had captured in paint the smells, sounds of the prison and the glory of God upon Daniel. The artist had drawn a very small window, where the viewer could see the outline of the king wearing his crown, looking down at the miraculous deliverance. What an encouraging vision God had given us to boost our confidence in prayer for those in authority. We saw that kings and rulers would see the supernatural power of God.

And what a total deliverance for Daniel! Not only stopping the ferocious lions but deliverance for himself and his nation. The most amazing thing was victory and rescue appeared at the most horrifying moment a man could experience.

King David spoke of such deliverance when he said: “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit (the past) and set my feet upon a rock (the present)… He has put a new song in my mouth – a praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord” (the future) (See Psalms 40:2-3 NKJV)

As one stands for truth in the midst of this age of darkness, moral decay. defiance against God and all that is ungodly; can prove to be dangerous but casting all your cares on Him will bring a great deliverance for you and perhaps even a nation!

Stand for truth and you too will see the deliverance of God!

1 John 1:2

Pastor Mary Jackson

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