The Other Side

by Maureen Stanek on March 23, 2018
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Today, I want to encourage you with a word the Lord impressed on my heart and a song that came by the Spirit of God during one of our Sunday morning church services. The song came through Pastor Mary Jackson on February 18, 2018, at the end of the sermon.  The words to this song hold a special meaning to me, personally. The Lord has been talking to me since October 2017 about taking us to the “other side”. When I was in Pachuca Hidalgo, Mexico a few weeks ago I preached a message out of Mark chapters 4 and 5.  We read in Mark 4:35-36, “ On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.”  Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat. “

Jesus invited His disciples to come inside the boat with Him and cross over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. On the other side (on dry land), Jesus would cast the devil out of a demon-possessed man, raise a little 12-year-old girl from the dead, and heal a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. He invited His disciples to cross with him to the other side- to a place of the miraculous. But on the way to the miraculous, a fierce storm arose and fear gripped the hearts of Jesus’ disciples. Although Jesus was right there with them in the boat, and He had promised they were going to “the other side”, they still felt fear’s sting and torment. They forgot who was in the boat with them. They forgot the promise.  They started to accuse Jesus of not caring about them. They did not understand how Jesus could sleep through this storm.

Jesus did rebuke the wind and commanded the sea to be calm. He corrected His disciples saying to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? “ (Mark 4:40). I can hear Jesus saying to them,

Don’t you know who is with you in the boat? Don’t you know the power that is inside this boat right now? There is no storm raging against you that is greater than Me. You don’t have to be afraid. You are safe because you are with me. Just because I am sleeping, does not mean that I am not here with you. We are headed to the other side and nothing can stop us. All I ask of you is to trust me… to have faith in me. Only believe.

It is time for the miraculous. It is the hour for the church of Jesus Christ all over the earth to shine with the glory of God. We must remember who is in the boat with us. Who lives inside us? It is Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26-27). He is the Miracle Worker. He is the Healer. He is the one who sets tormented people free and offers them a new life in Him.

It is our job to trust and to obey. Are you ready to go to the other side? He is ready to take you. Enjoy the ride with Him. Yes, storms will rage all around us. But I have determined to not set my gaze upon those waves but to keep my eyes on My Savior who is in the boat with me.

We have been offered a place at the table with Him beyond our greatest hopes, imaginations and dreams. Let’s stay really close to Him no matter what may be blowing all around us.

You are Loved by,

Pastor Maureen

P.S. If you have never invited Jesus into your boat, ask Him today to come live inside your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins. I promise you, you will never be the same (John 3:16-17, John 10:10, Romans 3:23, Romans 10:9-10).

Below are the words to Pastor Mary’s Song:

I have a song for you from the Holy Spirit – the one that knows your heart and knows your thoughts.  He said:

Is there anybody here who needs Jesus?

Is there anybody here who needs the Lord?

Is there anybody here who needs Jesus?

Is there anybody here who needs the Lord?

I’ll walk you through every dark place and every hard thing that’s coming.

I’ll walk you through to get you in the light of the other side if you trust in Me.

Find someone that knows Me and stick right to them.

I’ll lead you through to the other side.

Is there anybody here who needs Jesus?

Is there anybody here who needs the Lord?

He’ll walk you through every darkness – every hardship you can imagine.

He’ll lead you safely to the other side.   

Is there anybody here who loves Jesus?

Lift your hands and rejoice for the King of Kings

Is there anybody here who loves Jesus?

Is there anybody here who loves the Lord?

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