Mother’s Day 2016

by Maureen Stanek on May 10, 2016
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Dear Friend:

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year we want to say a big “Happy Mother’s Day” to all the women out there who have been blessed to become mothers. As I shared at our Mother-Daughter Brunch this past week, let’s remember to be thankful for what we have and not let our focus be on what is lacking or missing in our lives. As my daughter, Lindsay, reminded me the other day it is easy to look at the “cracks in the ceiling” instead of at all the beauty that is right before us.  In this video, Bea Watts shares with us how her mother instilled faith in her as a young child. She speaks of the simple faith her mother walked in- simply believing that God was who He said He was and would meet all her families’ needs. We are reminded that God wants to be our Source. He wants us to look to Him not only in times of trouble but every day of our lives.

Erin Neal reminds us how her mother was a nurturer – someone who knew how to bring dead things back to life. Do you have anyone in your life who needs some nurturing? Do you have something around you that appears like the life is completely gone from it? Do you have someone who may just need a little water put into his/her cup? Let’s look around us and see how we can bless another life today. We were born to be a blessing to others.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Much Love,

Pastor Maureen

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