Our Amazing Inheritance

Joan Boethel | Jesus-What's in that Name? | Jun. 11, 2023

A name carries within it the character, honor, authority, power, and renown of the person it represents.  God’s  children have been given a Name that is above every name, and for the church to walk in power we must have a continual revelation of all that is in that majestic Name!

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Jesus-What's in that Name?
Jesus-What's in that Name?
A name carries within it the character, honor, authority, power, and renown of the person it represents.  God’s  children have been given a Name that is above every name, and for the church to walk in power we must have a continual revelation of all that is in that majestic Name!
The Right to Use His Name

Joan Boethel

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Our Amazing Inheritance

Joan Boethel

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Joan Boethel