Take Your Place and Step Up

by Maureen Stanek on February 13, 2013
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Dear Friend,

This morning I am sitting at my desk listening to the song, Break Every Chain, by Jesus Culture. What an anointed song this is. The song speaks of “An army rising up.” The reference here is not about a natural army fighting battles with swords and spears. The song instead speaks of a spiritual army which will use spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and thanksgiving to break the chains that have held humankind captive.

While listening to this song, I came across a prophetic word that was given during a Sunday morning church service here at BCOC back in November 2007 which I believe is relevant for today. I am so thrilled in my heart for what the Lord has in store for His people in this hour we live in.

Let’s rise up today, church, and be the people we have been called to be.

In His Love,

Maureen Stanek

Take Your Place and Step Up

For this is My hour, these are my days, says the Lord. This is My finest hour.  Oh, if there was ever a time…..  I want you to know church …..  These are My times, these are My days, these are My finest hours and these are your hours.  Oh, it’s your hour.  It’s your hour to rise up.  It’s your hour to run.  It’s your hour to step over.  Step over into your inheritance, step over into the plan.  Step over now.  Not just a few of you here, and not just a few of you there, and not just a trickle and not just a little bit.  It is time as a body, it is time as a corporate place.  A place of the army of the Lord.

For you are not mere worms upon this earth.  You are not these little weaklings living in this lower plane.  But you are strong and you are mighty and you are what, I said in the book of Romans.  You are more than a conqueror.  More than a conqueror!  For it does not matter what you might feel in your mind, the weakness you may feel in your body.  For I have taught you through My servant in this place – You are not a mind and you are not a body, but you are one with Me.  And just as Moses stood and I said, “Stretch out that rod and take these people over”, I am calling this church and I am calling this local assembly to lift up your rod of authority and together step over into a new place.

Into a higher place.  Into a place I have prepared for you before the foundations of the earth, and I have spoken to you of this place through prophets that have stood in this place, that have stood in this pulpit and I say that you are put in this place destined from the beginning, destined before the foundations of the earth, not by man’s doing, not by accident, but by the oath and the Spirit of the Lord and by the creative mind of the Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

For in this day and in this hour I must have stationed across cities and town and continents.  There are people that I have put strategically …(Yes, that’s it, Father)…. Strategic places and strategic armies and centers and places across the earth.  Some are in places you’ve never read about.  You’ve never heard about these places but they are in villages and towns and you are one.  Don’t ever think you’re “it”.  You’re not it, but you are part of the plan and I want you to know if you ever thought you were an accident, if you ever thought you just stumbled across this place.  If you stumbled here, you better just sit down and take a seat because you have a job to do and you’re on an assignment by the living God.

But I’m saying to each person here that it is the time and it is the hour to take you place – take your place and shake off the dust and step up.  Shake off the old, the things of this world that would keep you because there’s a bunch of us in here and we’re about to fly.  And the Lord says to you- “Do you want to fly with us?  Do you want to fly with Me?  How much and how far do you want to go?  How far do you want to go because I’ll take you far above, higher that anything you could dream or ask or think or imagine.”  But there’s that stepping over now, just as at the Red Sea.  It’s a stepping over out of Egypt and into Canaan, and it’s into a place that you can’t even talk about because you’re never seen it, you’re never walked in it, you’ve never experienced it, and you are going to see things, and you’re going to experience things that no man has ever had before.



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