The Glorious Church

by Joan Boethel on January 17, 2020
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Dear Friends:

Below is a prophetic word which will encourage you today. Believe it, receive it, declare it, pray over it. Say, “Yes, Lord. That’s me. I’ll walk in love. I’ll follow You. I’ll draw near to Your presence. I will see change in the coming year. Amen.”

The Glorious Church

My people, give heed to My Words:  By the close of this year, all those who have received My instruction in the gifts of the Spirit, and who are drawing closer in communion with Me will rise to a new level in the fullness of My Spirit.  As you see a new day approaching and a new year breaking forth, the gifts of My Spirit will be noticeably increasing, until they manifest in fullness~~as in the days when Jesus walked in the earth!  My church will indeed be called “the glorious church”!

Families will come into the place I have called them and will know the joyful sound.  My people will excel and come up to the high places with Me—places of spiritual blessing, and physical health, wealth, and increase~~spirit, soul, and body!

Follow My leading and listen to My Spirit, because things are about to change~~ Things that now look impossible and unchangeable will suddenly turn around, with no natural reason—but you, My people, will know the reason~~for you will have the supernatural knowledge and the faith that will bring these things to pass!

The hearts of people all over the world are crying out to know Me in the power of My resurrection!  The hopeless and despairing are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God!  Watch, and look around you!   For many who have never recognized the voice of My Spirit will be hearing, and knowing, and following fully as the coming year unfolds.

You, beloved, are now on My timeclock!  Stay close to Me.  Keep yourself in love.  Read and meditate in My Word.   Follow where I lead.  And keep yourself and your prayer life fresh and full of life.

For I am emphatically declaring, “I am ready!~~Ready to uphold My people, and ready to meet the coming days with My power and a supernatural overflow unlike anything you have ever seen before!  But you must sow to the Spirit, for the time is at hand when you will declare, “It is Here!” as you see manifest that which you have been waiting for, hoping for, and believing for—to the glory of God the Father!

Praise the Lord!

Much Love,

Pastor Joan

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